Monday 20 May 2024


The image had been coloured with Copics, the card created for someones birthday, but can't mention who's in case they've taken a peak ;)

I've coloured her in one of my favourite colour combinations to make her lovely and girly.  She's got some while acrylic paint spots and I've also used some embossing enamel in the background.

My design paper is from Lemoncraft.

Thanks for popping by for a look today, we hope to see you at the challenge.
Andrea x

I'd like to enter this card into the following challenges
Creative Inspirations - Feminine
Get Creative - Ladies Only
Unicorn Challenge - For the Girls
Creations in Pink - Anything Goes
613 Avenue Create - Anything Goes
Rabisco Challenge - Anything Goes
Through the Purple Haze - Anything Goes
I Love ProMarkers - Anything Goes / Cute


Sharon Noble said...

Great card thank you for joining us at big hugs Sharon DT

Written in Ink Cards said...

what a lovely, oh so feminine card. Thank you so much for playing along at 513 Avenue Create.

aussie aNNie said...

So Pretty! I like these colors and the card design!

Jane Savage said...

Love the gorgeous soft colours on this stunning card!
Thank you for joining us at Creative Inspirations for our ‘Feminine’ Challenge! Jane S (DT) Paper, Pencils & Pretty Things! xxx

Chana Malkah said...

Cute card, Andrea! I Love the image! Thanks so much for sharing with us at A Place to Start!

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

So beautiful. x